Why choose Newy Consultation?

Fixed, up-front written quotes

Fast plan turnaround

Friendly and helpful service

Experienced in projects from small residential alterations to large industrial, commercial and civil projects

Our Services

Newy Engineering Consultants provides the following services to help you with your engineering and management needs:

Civil Design & Stormwater Management

Structural Design, reporting and inspections

Geotechnical Engineering and testing

Project Management Services (Building and Civil Works)

Traffic Management, analysis and reporting for DA and construction projects

DA Engineering Reports

Landscape Design



Newy Engineering Consultants has a passion in helping clients achieve their construction goals, whether removing a post or building a large addition, we work with you to get the best result. Newy Engineering Consultants services Newcastle and the Hunter, Lake Macquarie and the Central Coast.


Request a quote

Fill in our simple enquiry form and we’ll be in contact about the best way to approach your project.
We will do our best to respond to your request within 24 hours. During business hours, we usually respond within a few hours.


9.00am to 5.00pm Monday to Friday (AEST)
8 Lake Avenue, Cardiff South NSW 2285 Australia

02 4003 4813